“Retrovizor – osobe s razvojnim teškoćama su bliže nego što se čine”
Osiguranje uvjeta za ostvarivanje temeljnog ljudskog prava, prava na komunikaciju, definirano je i Poveljom o pravima na komunikaciju. Uspješna komunikacija je pravo i potreba svakog pojedinca.
Neverbalnu ili augmentativnu komunikaciju koriste djeca i odrasli iz autističnog spektra, osobe s višestrukim, intelektualnim ili komunikacijskim teškoćama, Down sindromom, cerebralnom paralizom, usporenim razvojem govora i sl. Komunikacijske ploče samo su jedan oblik sustava potpore da osoba s govornim teškoćama može komunicirati.
Najranjiviji unutar već ranjive skupine su upravo djeca, a u 2021. g. PGŽ-u je registrirano 1426 takve djece u dobi 0-19 god., dok s druge strane pilot projekt Građanskog odgoja u Osnovnim školama PGŽ-a daje iznimno pozitivne rezultate, te su u isti uključene 22 osnovne škole.
Ovim projektom želimo napraviti iskorak u društvenoj uključenost djece i osoba s razvojnim teškoćama u svakodnevnom životu, koristeći se alatima građanskog odgoja dodatno aktivirati mlade za društvenu participaciju u lokalnoj zajednici kojoj pripadaju.
Implementacijom projektnih aktivnosti u postojeći kurikulum nastavnog predmeta „Građanskog odgoja“ unutar partnerskih organizacija planira se mlade uključiti u provedbu, ne samo kao korisnike već kao i glavne protagoniste u rješavanju potreba unutar lokalne zajednice. U svrhu senzibilizacije društva i socijalne pravde ranjivih skupina, djeca bez teškoća u razvoju će uz mentorstvo nastavnika i provoditelja projekta napraviti istraživanje i mapiranje potreba za komunikacijskim pločama te pomoći u instalaciji prvih takvih u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji, a unutar svojih obrazovnih ustanova i na javnim površinama.
Osposobljavanjem učenika za aktivno i učinkovito obavljanje građanske uloge, provedbom podržano-inkluzivne volonterske akcije, održavanjem press konferencije od strane učenika i povezivanjem djece s teškoćama i onima bez teškoća u provedbi zajedničkih aktivnosti dodatno se utječe na senzibilizaciju i potrebe ranjivih skupina, razvijanju osjećaja samostalnosti i poticanja društveno odgovornog ponašanja kod mladih. Informirani, uključeni i aktivni mladi u izgradnji ravnopravnijeg društva za vršnjake s razvojnim teškoćama/invaliditetima, promjene su koje očekujemo kao rezultat ovog projekta.
Ensuring the conditions for the achieving of fundamental human rights, the right to communicate, is also defined in the Charter of the right of Communication. Successful communication is the right and need of every individual.
Non-verbal or augmented communication is used by children and adults from autistic spectrum, persons with multiple, intellectual or communication difficulties, down syndrome, cerebral paralysis, slow development of speech etc. Communication boards are only one form of support system for a person with speech difficulties to be able to communicate.
The most vulnerable within the already vulnerable group are children, and in 2021. in Primorsko Goranska county (PGC), 1426 such children aged 0-19 were registered, while the pilot project Civil Education in primary schools of PGC yields exceptionally positive results, and 22 primary schools are included in the project.
With this project we want to take a step forward in social inclusion of children and persons with developmental difficulties in everyday life, using the tools of civic education to additionally activate young people for social participation in the local community to which they belong.
By implementing project activities into the existing curriculum of the course “Civil Education” within partner organisations, young people are planned to be involved in implementation, not only as beneficiaries, but also as main protagonists in addressing needs within the local community. In order to sensitize society and social justice of vulnerable groups, children without developmental
disabilities, under the mentorship of teachers and project implementers, will research and map the needs for communication boards and help in the installation of the first such in the Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, within their educational institutions and on public surfaces.
By training students to actively and effectively perform a civic role, by implementing a supported- inclusive volunteer campaign, by holding a press conference by students and by connecting children with difficulties and those without difficulties in the implementation of common activities, the sensitization and needs of vulnerable groups are additionally affected, the development of a sense of independence and encouraging socially responsible behaviour among young people. Informed, involved and active young people in building a more equal society for peers with developmental difficulties/disabilities are the changes we expect as a result of this project.
By signing the Agreement on the financing of the project "Rear-view mirror – people with disabilities are closer than they appear", which is financed from the Program of the Fund for Active Citizenship in Croatia, with the funds of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within the framework of EGP grants, we begin the implementation of the activities planned in the project proposal.
With this project, we want to make a step forward in the social inclusion of children and people with developmental disabilities in everyday life, using the tools of civic education to additionally activate young people for social participation in the local community to which they belong.
The activities are carried out at Elementary School Center and Center for Autism of Rijeka, which are partners in the implementation of the project.
Nositelj programa / Project holder: Udruga za skrb autističnih osoba Rijeka / Association for the care of autistic persons Rijeka
Partneri na programa / Partners: Osnovna škola Centar, Centar za autizam Rijeka / Elementary school Center, Center for autism of Rijeka
Voditeljica programa / Program manager: Lidija Penko
Osoba za kontak / Contact person: Nevia Krupljanin udruga.autizam.rijeka@gmail.com
Projekt je financiran iz Programa Fonda za aktivno građanstvo u Hrvatskoj, sredstvima Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru EGP grantova na period od 01.10.2022.-30.09.2023.
The project was financed from the Program of the Fund for Active Citizenship in Croatia, with funds from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway within the framework of EEA grants for the period from 01.10.2022 to 30.09.2023.