Project AS SPORTY – Center for autism RIJEKA
PROJECT TITLE: Erasmus + Sport – Small Collaborative Partnership – Asporty
COORDINATOR: Društvo za kulturo inkluzije, Melikova ulica 1, Ljubljana 1000, Slovenija
PARTNERS: Centar za autizam CZA (Center for autism) Rijeka – Hrvatska, Klletaskoli – Island
TEACHERS IN CZA Rijeka: Sanja Barić, mag. educ. reh., Maja Komar Lenac, mag. educ. reh., Marko Brusač, mag.cin., mag. psyhsiotherapie
DURATION: January 1, 2020. – December 31, 2021.
FINANCING: EU – Erasmus +
OBJECTIVE: Development of innovative sports programs that include activities tailored to include people with autism spectrum disorders and exchange of experiences between professionals conducting educational – rehabilitation, kinesiology and sports programs, presentation of sports programs involving people with ASD, presentation of the Autism Center Rijeka and sports clubs for people with disabilities in the city of Rijeka.
ABOUT THE PROJECT: Center for autism (CZA) Rijeka will actively participate as a partner, with Kletaskoli from Iceland and the holder – the Society for the Culture of Inclusion from Slovenia in the Erasmus program – the EU program for education, training, youth and sports.
The program includes 11 students and users and 3 teachers of CZA Rijeka. The project develops cooperation between professionals working with children and youth with ASD in the field of sports. It upgrades existing and develops new methods that will help the development of children and youth, promotes social inclusion and equal opportunities for all in sports. Furthermore, it raises awareness of parents and teachers about health and holistic development of children and youth, forming the foundations of sports education programs for teachers and coaches, promoting the importance and positive effects of physical activity for children and youth with ASD.
The implementation of the program is planned in three parts. In the first, practical part, each organization had to perform a special sports program. In the second part, experts from each organization had to exchange and upgrade knowledge and experiences with visits and professional gatherings of staff of all three organizations, while in the third part the promotion of project activities and outcomes was planned.
Unfortunately, the epidemiological situation caused by the Covid 19 virus is the cause of the change of direction of the whole project. We have transferred all the gatherings to the virtual world and we use the available platforms to hold meetings, exchange experiences and continue the implementation of the project to the joy of all involved.
(This project is funded by the Erasmus + program).
The main goal of the project is to share their experience and knowledge with each other. To learn something new from this, to remain partners in projects in the future.
Together with our partners, we have published 8 brochures on various topics, dealing with sports and special needs. You can find these below. You are invited to view and read.
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