With the decision of the Agency for Upbringing and Education, brought on November 23rd, 2015, outside associates were named as members of the mobile team of experts for the professional specialization of educators, teachers and lecturers in educational institutions attended by children and students with autism spectrum difficulties.
The Mobile team of experts at
the Center for autism Rijeka
The members of the team are as follows:
- Robert Cimperman, prof., viši savjetnik Agencije za odgoj i obrazovanje,
- Ivanka Pejić, mag. paed. i def., univ. spec. rane interv. u eduk. rehab., psihoterapeut ECP, senzorno-integracijski pedagog, RBT; voditeljica mobilnog tima,
- Martina Gregorina Tomac, mag. logopedije, uč. Savjetnik,
- Ana Radović, uč. razredne nastave i mag. def.,
- Dubravka Anka Veršić, prof. psiholog, učitelj mentor,
- Maja Komar Lenac, prof. rehabilitator, učitelj mentor
The tasks of the Mobile team of experts:
After the Agency for Upbringing and Education receives a phone call from an Institution where there’s a child with difficulties with autism spectrum disorder, the Mobile team of experts visits the Institution to educate the employees, give support to parents and offer expert support in the following fields:
- crafting personal curriculums for children with autism spectrum difficulties
- students with special needs
- specific difficulties with learning
- children with difficulties in education inclusion
- support models for education inclusion
- evaluation of achievements made by the child with autism spectrum disorder
- support modes for teachers in working with children with difficulties
- support for parents of children with difficulties
Mobile team of experts
Leader of the MET Ivanka Pejić, Pedagogy and Defectology, university specialist of early intervention in educational rehabilitation, sensory-integration pedagogue (GSID)
Mail: ivanka.pejic@corp.hr